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8 Characteristics of a Good House Appraiser

An appraiser is the one who assures buyers that they are investing in a good property. Lenders can also be assured that they are providing a loan secured by a property that supports the debt. During the real estate boom, appraisers got a bad reputation. 

They were accused of manipulating the numbers so that mortgage lenders could approve loans even for unqualified buyers. As a result, a layer has been created between the lender and the appraiser to cut off collusion. Here are the characteristics that one would always find it a good house appraiser:

1. Unbiased

In order to provide results that are trustworthy and uphold the profession’s integrity, the appraiser must be unbiased. The ability to give an objective and unbiased opinion of the property’s value is absolutely essential in this field. In the absence of this quality, the appraiser would risk losing his or her professional reputation.

2. Self-motivated

Most of the appraisers own their businesses. Being a self-employed individual, an appraiser is his or her own boss. A successful appraiser believes in greater accuracy and efficiency in his or her work. An individual who has trouble staying motivated may never become a successful appraiser. The key to continuously grow and maintain this business is the quality of being self-motivated.

3. Organized

The organization is another great quality of a successful house appraiser. According to a recent survey, many successful appraisers agree that organization and time management are their most essential skills. The more organized an appraiser is, the more assignments he or she can complete in a year. Appraisers who are excellent at time management also end up earning more.

4. Patient

Patience is very much essential in this profession. An appraiser having this quality can get the work done without rushing. All the necessary information can be gathered and analyzed accurately. An appraiser with a lot of patience can respond to calls and emails in an efficient manner. This puts him or her among the best in the profession.

5. Analytical

It is important for an appraiser to be analytical. Each assignment of appraisal requires critical thinking and thorough analysis to get the best results.

6. Tech-savvy

Technological advancements affect the way humans function in this world. It is, therefore, absolutely necessary that one keeps pace with the changes taking place in technology. Appraisers who embrace the latest technologies know how to leverage them. 

Those who do not stay up-to-date on the latest technological advancements have little chance of success. Research conducted in recent times showed that appraisers who adopted new technologies earned more.

7. Flexible

Appraisers must have the ability to embrace the changing environment in the real estate market. The rapid changes in the industry require an appraiser to be open to learning new things. Among them are new skills, technological changes and provisions that are included in the laws from time to time.

8. Curious

Appraisers must be naturally curious. This sense of curiosity helps them in their profession. It often comes in handy for digging up important information associated with the property. Curiosity is also the key to discovering certain things that would help the appraiser in determining a value.